Don’t Waste Another Minute With Paper


Most companies find managing safety compliance difficult, time-consuming, and often ineffective.

The problem is paper.

SiteDocsprovides paperless safety management software so that managing safety compliance is easier, faster and better.

Go Paperless in 4 Simple Steps




Roll Out

On Site

Android & iOS MobileApp

 Complete & Sign DigitalForms

 Access PDF Document Library

 ViewWorker Training & Certification

 View Previously CompletedForms

 Use Offline orOnline

 Add Photos &Annotations

 Automatic GPS, Date& Time Stamps

 Assign & Track CorrectiveActions

In Office

 Web Based AdminPanel

 Build FormsEasily

 Run Reports &Analytics

 Monitor Safety In RealTime

 File & OrganizeAutomatically

 Find FormsQuickly With Search

 Upload PDFs to Resource Library

 Monitor WorkerTraining & Certification

 Track Individual WorkerProfiles

Save Thousands Of Dollars By Eliminating Wasted Time Handling Paper

In the past, doing our safety documentation on paper was a headache and unreliable when it really counted. But since we started using SiteDocs to manage our Safety Program, we’ve saved well over $100,000!

Priced For Your Safety Success

Logins For All Your Workers

Because Worker participation is the key to improved safety culture, provide every Worker with a login.

Unlimited Forms & Signatures

Because every signed safety form leads to a safer work environment, go aheadandsign as many asyou need.

Track Every Worker Profile

Because training is the backbone of safety,monitor everyWorkersignature and certification, both current and historical.

Copyright @ qhsseplatform 2022