
1. Identify Knowledge Gaps Before They Become A Problem
One huge benefit of conducting training needs analysis is the fact it can help you identify any knowledge gaps your employees may have before it becomes an issue. It’s better to highlight a potential problem and tackle it head-on, rather than becoming aware of the skills gap when an issue arises because of it.

The training needs analysis will allow you to take a proactive approach rather than waiting for something to go wrong before you realize there is a problem.

2. Helps You To Plan Your Training For The Year
Another huge benefit of training needs analysis is that it makes it much easier for you to plan your training for the upcoming year (or whatever block of time you work with). Once you have identified the skills gaps that exist in your business, and then all the staff members who need additional training in certain areas, it’s easy to pull together a training plan which will cover all these skills gaps.

Rather than trying to guess the type of training that will be most useful to your organization, or who needs to complete the training, your training needs analysis will make the whole task much easier, and you can be confident that the training you have selected will make a direct impact on your business!

3. Highlights Training You May Not Have Considered
It can be hard to sit down and plan out a training schedule for a large organization without completing some sort of background research first. You may think that you know the type of training your team should be completing, but training needs analysis could actually highlight a whole load of areas that your team needs training on that you never even considered before.

That’s why training needs analysis is so useful because it can highlight training needs you may not have considered before and show that you need to start offering training in different areas to ensure your staff is performing at their best.

Without the use of training needs analysis, you may never have considered a particular area of training, which could have severely hindered your business.

4. Ensures Your Training Is Focusing On The Right Areas
As we said above, it’s important to have concrete reasons for adding training to your training schedule, as you can’t just assume what is and isn’t important for your team to learn. Completing a training needs analysis will allow you to see exactly what you need to focus on, but it will also highlight the areas your team doesn’t need any further training on for the moment.

If there are no apparent gaps in knowledge in a particular area, then running further training on it could be a waste of time and money!

5. Helps To Decide Who Should Attend Which Training Sessions
Another important step in planning  training is to ensure the right people are in the right training  sessions. There is no point in making everyone in your organization attend every training session you run. It’s a massive waste of time and  money for your business, and staff won’t be engaged with training sessions if they are frequently attending training which is of no use to  them.

A training needs analysis will enable you  to target the correct people for each training session, ensuring  everyone is following a personalized training plan, so they get the most  benefit possible.

6. Helps You To Prioritize Training Needs
When it comes to planning out your  training, it can be hard to decide which training sessions are the most  important. However, training needs analysis can help you pinpoint the  training which needs to be completed ASAP, and which training can be  left till later down the line.

When you think about the skills that each  team member needs to have, you may want to prioritize these regarding  how key they are. For example, if you have a customer-facing team,  ensuring they have top-notch customer relations skills may be top of the  list.

If you notice a gap in the face-to-face  skills for some of these employees, it only makes sense that you would  want to tackle this first, as this is a key aspect of their job role,  and lack of training in this area could have a negative effect on your  business.

All other training can be prioritize  afterwards, but it’s important to get that customer relations training  booked in and attended as soon as possible to make sure your  customer-facing teams are top performers.

For Reference: eBook "How To Conduct An Effective Training Needs Analysis: A Step-By-Step Guide For Instructional Designers" is here to make everything clear about how Training Needs Analysis can benefit your organization at all levels!

Safety Courses

 Fire Fighting (2 Days)
 Basic Fire Fighting (1 Day)
 Basic First Aid & CPR (1 Day)
 First Aid & CPR (2 Days)
 Advanced Risk Assessment & Risk Management (3 Days)
 Risk Assessment & Risk Management (2 Days)
 Basic Scaffolding Inspection (1 Day)
 Scaffolding Awareness (Theoretical & Practical) (2 Days)
 Scaffolding Erection & Dismantling (2 Days)
 Defensive Driving (2 Days)
 Safe Lifting Operations (Rigging & Slinging) (2 Days)
 Lockout/ Tagout (01 Day)
 Permit to Work (1 Day)
 Job Hazard Analysis (1 Day)
 Food Hygiene (2 Days)
 OSHA General Industry (5 Days)
 OSHA Construction Industry (3 Days)
 Platinum OSHA (5 Days)
 NASP (National Association of Safety Professor) Diploma (5 Days)
 OSHA Scaffolding Competent Person (3 Days)
 Electricity at Work (1 Day)
 HSE Induction (1 Day)
 Fall Protection (1 Day)
• اعضاء لجان السلامه والصحه المهنية
 فنى السلامة - المعتمد من المركز القومى للسلامه والصحة المهني
 خصائي السلامة المعتمد من المركز القومى للسلامه والصحة المهني
 Manual Handling (1 Day)
 Accident Investigation & Report Analysis (3 Days)
 DIT-course duration as per the required level.
 ICAM-course duration as per the required level.

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